Blog within The Marketing Compass website

Blog within The Marketing Compass website

You can now publish blogs within The Marketing Compass website. Link back to your website (good for your SEO). For a limited time, we will promote your blogs via our substantial social media network. You can blog about your business, events, products, services or customers. Or can you share some interesting information or resources.Standard WordPress blog functionality is available. Certain restrictions apply, i.e. nothing offensive etc. Click on ‘New article’ over on the right of the screen (viewable on a desktop / laptop). ...
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How to use the phone for business sales calls

Nigel Temple @nigeltemple asked me the following question: "Do you have any tips for using the phone in business? What is the earliest time of day that is acceptable to start calling? Do scripts still work? What is the right way of calling a LinkedIn contact and what would you say in the opening 10 seconds? Is it OK to call prospective clients from mobile phones?" Earliest time to start calling: 8am if you’re calling someone in their office on their landline. If you’re calling their mobile I would leave it to 8.30 or even 9 because you don’t know if they’re working from home and most people don’t want to be disturbed there if they’re getting the kids off to school or whatever else they might be doing to get ready for the day. I would be careful calling mobiles if you don’t know them. Most of us are quite protective of our mobile numbers - but I believe it’s ‘fair...
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Sponsoring company updates within LinkedIn

Sponsoring company updates within LinkedIn is a paid for service. The idea is to raise the visibility of your content within LinkedIn. Sponsored Updates enable you to deliver your content into the homepage feed ('timeline') of members, even if they are not Following your company. This process enables you to bring interesting content (i.e. blog posts, articles, slideshows, whitepapers and videos) to a wider audience. You can target Sponsored Updates to chosen segments of LinkedIn's premium audience, based on profile data across millions of members. Sponsored Updates can be seen on any device. They are marked as 'Sponsored'. They show up in the member’s homepage feed, along with the posts and status updates from their network / the companies that they follow. Members will have the option to Follow the sponsoring company as well as Like, Comment and Share posts with members of their own network. You can track the effectiveness of your posts via analytics, within LinkedIn. Begin by writing a...
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Twitter Hashtags – introduction, popularity, tips, ideas and resources

The hashtag symbol look like this: # The # symbol is followed by unbroken text. This can be one word, i.e. #book or a string of characters: #photography Hashtags have only been around since 2007. They were invented by Chris Messina: Hashtags are used to tag social media posts with relevant keywords. Therefore, a good place to start is with your alphabetical list of keywords / keyword phrases, which I recommend you print out and display in your office (if you have an office, that is!) Social media websites use hashtags to track the popularity of topics (AKA ‘trending’ within Twitter) and users can use them for search purposes. Some marketers ride on the back of successful hashtags and embed them within their Tweets (I think that this is OK if the hashtag is actually relevant to your brand). Visit to find out what is currently trending on Twitter: As you will see, this site has a search box at the top. The...
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