Website strategy – Mind Map image

Here is Mind Map showing the key strategic elements of a customer focused website. If you click on the image, a larger version will appear: 1. Customer: because you should be customer focused, not product centric IMHO*. Successful websites provide customer engagement. This is easy for me to say, challenging for you to do - which is why The Marketing Compass is here. (As we provide advice, encouragement and feedback to busy small business owners). 2. Design: because you don't get a second chance to make a first impression. Your website should look professional, particularly to the first time visitor, otherwise they are likely to 'disappear within a click'. Read website design ideas for small businesses. 3. Interactive: because interactivity = the USP of the internet. The more that the visitor can 'click on stuff' within your site, the better. 4. Content: because content is king. The more you write, the more you will attract Google. Read point two of the marketing commitments. As always,...
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The internet as part of the business model

The internet as part of the business model

To what extent is the internet embedded within your business model? Within The Marketing Compass, our members include a number of e-commerce businesses; so their answer would be: "100%". For the rest of us, the answer will range from "hardly at all", to "significantly." Do you see your website as an online brochure or as a way to build brand awareness, create customer engagement and build deeper relationships? Clearly, making more sales is important - however - you are more likely to sell more if you begin with the preceding items. How about the social networks? Do you have strategic SMO* objectives? Do you integrate your SMO activities with the rest of your promotional mix? With regards to SEO**, do you have an alphabetical list of keywords for easy reference? Do you update this list frequently? Do you use these words and phrases both within your website and outside of it (i.e. within social media status updates)? Take the use of Twitter as an...
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10 rules of internet marketing

Rule 1 - Decide what your objectives are. Keep focused on them Rule 2 - Ask your prospects and customers what they would like to see within your website or your permission based e-newsletter Rule 3 - Test Test Test. This is the way to discover what people really think Rule 4 - As a mass communication medium, the internet is unique because it is interactive. How interactive is your internet marketing? Rule 5 - Create e-relationships (with customers and business partners). How can you help each other to prosper? Rule 6 - Choose your promotional techniques - to promote your website / e-newsletter Rule 7 - Integrate your internet marketing with your promotional mix Rule 8 - Keep everything simple. Don't use technology for the sake of it Rule 9 - Content is everything. Have useful, helpful content Rule 10 - Don't expect instant success. Persistence is what counts ...
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