Sponsoring company updates within LinkedIn

Sponsoring company updates within LinkedIn is a paid for service. The idea is to raise the visibility of your content within LinkedIn. Sponsored Updates enable you to deliver your content into the homepage feed ('timeline') of members, even if they are not Following your company. This process enables you to bring interesting content (i.e. blog posts, articles, slideshows, whitepapers and videos) to a wider audience. You can target Sponsored Updates to chosen segments of LinkedIn's premium audience, based on profile data across millions of members. Sponsored Updates can be seen on any device. They are marked as 'Sponsored'. They show up in the member’s homepage feed, along with the posts and status updates from their network / the companies that they follow. Members will have the option to Follow the sponsoring company as well as Like, Comment and Share posts with members of their own network. You can track the effectiveness of your posts via analytics, within LinkedIn. Begin by writing a...
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How to add the WordPress blog option to your LinkedIn profile

How to add the WordPress blog option to your LinkedIn profile: 1. Login to your LinkedIn profile. 2. Select 'Edit profile' and scroll right down to the bottom. You will see the following link: Applications - Add an Application. 3. Click on the link and you will see a page of options. Choose the option to add your blog link with WordPress. You will be taken to a page where you can add the RSS feed for your blog. For example: http://www.nigeltemple.com/blog/ Having done this, your blog entries will appear within your LinkedIn profile! By the way, did you know that we offer Wordpress training courses? We hope that this helps; any questions, just ask. Join us COMPASS membership is FREE! * Create a profile & promote yourself * Hyperlink back to your website * Connect with other members * Post updates about your marketing * Join knowledge groups & find answers * Download our FREE ebook – 101 Customer Attraction Techniques * Earn money via our affiliate scheme [DKB url="https://www.marketingcompass.co.uk/register" text="Create...
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How to use social media to engage with customers

Social media is, to a large extent, a global conversation. If you only use it to broadcast your marketing message, you are not using it correctly. After all, it is not an advertising medium, is it? Have you noticed what happens to people who continually shout about their products / services within the likes of Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn? What do you think of people who do this? Within a normal conversation, you would listen, ask questions and respond to people, wouldn't you? I suggest that you do exactly the same within the social media communities you belong to. Be quick to react I know that you are busy. However, it only takes a moment to check @Connect within Twiiter, to see who is talking about you, asking you a question, etc. There are also numerous tools available to help you to manage multiple social media converations, inluding http://hootsuite.com (the "Social media dashboard") and http://marketmesuite.com ("Your social inbox"). Be useful Or, to put it another way,...
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The social media party

Social media is like a huge, sprawling party which is happening within a mansion. Conversations are going on around the pool, in the lounge, in the kitchen, in the hall and throughout the rest of the building. Guests are forever arriving and leaving. Flashbulbs pop as celebrities make an appearance. Gossip and tittle tattle buzz throughout the place. Some of the guests are people watchers. They don't talk much, if at all. Others are actively networking. They make new contacts, discreetly exchange business cards and move on to the next conversation. A small group causes successive sensations with startling revelations which attract a throng of guests. So, what type of guest are you, within the social media party? Are you a Wallflower - happy to watch and listen? Are you a Networker - out to make as many contacts as possible? Or are you a News Maker? Whether you use Twitter, LinkedIn, Ecademy, Facebook or any other social media platform, you should be...
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Are you LinkedIn yet?

Are you LinkedIn yet?

LinkedIn is a great way of connecting with dormant customers, past colleagues, old friends, influencers and potential clients. It should automatically appear in your web browser, when you wake your computer up in the morning. (You can achieve this, by using 'tabbed browsing'). When you make an interesting new contact in, say, Facebook, check to see if they belong to LinkedIn. Joining groups is a great way of building your network. An example of a large LinkedIn group is LION ( LI Open Networkers), run by John L. Evans, which has over 19,000+ members. Once you've joined a group, you will be able to connect with any of its members, without knowing their email addresses. This will help you to find useful contacts. Testimonials and recommendations: the best way to get these is to give them! From a marketing perspective - this is part of 'social proof' (i.e. other people saying how good you are).  This is much more believeable that you saying...
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