Top Ten Tips – Time Management

Do you feel that you could be using your time more effectively? If answer is "yes", here are my top ten tips for time management: 1.     Write things down Always take notes. No-one’s memory is perfect. Everyone forgets stuff, especially when stressed. Write random ‘stuff’ down too. It will distract you otherwise. Use a notebook, Post It notes or a tool like Evernote: 2.     It’s normal to have days when you can’t work & days when you want to work for 12 hours Work more when you are in the zone and relax when you're not. We all have both kinds of days, so don't beat yourself up about it. 3.     Respect your time and make it respected Delegate everything you can. But remember, delegation means finding the right person, briefing them thoroughly and then (most importantly) letting them get on with the task. Do not forget to take a break occasionally. Do not always say yes. 4.     Not all tasks are created equal Prioritise the important over the...
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Mastering Meeting Management

Mastering Meeting Management, is, for most of us, a chore. Most of us would really rather not have to have meetings, but they are hard to avoid. If, like me, you attend lots of meetings where you come away thinking 'what was that for?', then the following tips may help you to run your meetings more effectively. Be clear what the meeting is forMeetings are for sharing information and then making decisions based on that information. Nothing else. Limit attendee numbersDon't invite anyone (or attend) to a meeting if they aren't crucial to the purpose. The effectiveness of a meeting will drop off rapidly beyond about 6-8 attendees. Send out an agenda in advance of the meetingHow will people know how to prepare otherwise? Don't have AOB on your agendaIt just encourages the wafflers, the complainers and the unprepared. Put agenda items in order of importanceThat way you have a fighting chance of getting the most important stuff done. Set a time limit for the meetingThere is nothing...
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Time management or management of time!

I have found that you get what you give in life – and this is true in business too! Here’s a recent example: the other day I was presenting to a group on Time Management. As with all groups, this was a mixed-ability class, not in the intellectual sense but in the amount of realism they brought to the session...let me explain! I was trying to get across that Time Management is in many ways a misnomer, because you have to be master of your own time if you want to improve.  As we looked at what caused the delegates the most problems, the usual suspects emerged including “other people” – that’s when it got interesting! You see it’s not other people who are the problem – it’s you! If you don’t deal with other people they will certainly deal with you! Remember, there are two types of people: radiators and drains. Radiators inspire and motivate you, but the drains are in...
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