Fear of rejection – is it holding your business back?

Fear is a strong emotion, isn't it? Its purpose is to protect you from harm. Fear stimulates a 'flight or fight' response, which can be difficult to control. From a business perspective, fear can set invisible parameters to your success. In business, fear of rejection can stop you from asking for help, requesting a meeting, asking for the order or even chasing payment. I have asked thousands of seminar delegates how they feel about rejection. For some business owners, the fear of rejection is so strong that they have simply stopped asking. They rationalise this behaviour by saying that they "don't want to expand their business", or that they are "quite happy with things as they are." The challenge is that a business is either growing or slipping backwards. Here is a mantra for you. More customers = more cash = more choices (which may include taking a well earned holiday, supporting a family member or donating to charity). “Failure is only a temporary...
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How can I improve my listening skills?

How can I improve my listening skills? (And why would I want to?) Great leaders and managers have effective listening skills. They know what is happening outside of their organisation, within their own business and within their customers company too. A manager’s listening skills are key to team building, motivation, creating enthusiasm and mutual respect. Through good listening skills you acquire information, enabling you to identify and clarify issues, make decisions, resolve conflict and be creative. As some of you may know, I’m a member of Toastmasters International where we learn not only to speak well, but also to give feedback. We do this by writing down our feedback and standing up for 2-3 minutes and giving a precis of what went well and ideas for improvement. This truly focusses the mind on effective listening! Getting feedback from a great listener is incredibly motivating and confidence building. If you want to really improve your listening skills, I can think of few better places to...
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What is success?

What is success?

In a complex society such as ours, what is success and what does it mean to you? For some, the answer is more money and more possessions. However, for most of us, true success is founded on happiness and well being. Relationships A key aspect of success is the number and depth of relationships you have. For independent professionals and business owners, this is where networking can make a significant contribution to happiness. Getting to know other entrepreneurs who face the same challenges as you do - and building professional relationships with them - can be deeply gratifying, on an emotional level. Motivation Why did you decide to launch your own business? Is it something that you always dreamed of doing? Would you ever go back to corporate life (if this is where you started)? What, exactly, does motivate you? To what extent is the answer 'money', as opposed to the satisfaction of walking your own path, making your own decisions and proving to yourself...
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