Marketing video tips – script and presentation – Part 2

Here is the second part of a series of marketing video tips, which deals with script and presentation. Whether this is a simple presentation to camera, or a full blown corporate video – don’t rely on what was on a brochure or flyer. It may be too wordy and may well be boring when spoken on camera or as a voiceover. Make it more conversational without being too informal, in order to engage with your viewer. Expand the ideas from the bullet points (mentioned in business video tips part 1) until you have something resembling a script and then refine it. Less is often more. On very rare occasions, I have made promos with no voiceover at all but only where the pictures are so powerful that they tell the story, reinforced by short informative captions. However that is not the norm. When you write the script, don’t forget to include a “call to action” at the end. As a minimum,...
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Marketing video tips – Part 1

I was asked to put some marketing video tips together for The Marketing Compass. Requirements could range from a first web presence to updating or creating a corporate video, so with that in mind, here are the first two areas for consideration. Just because you shoot a mean holiday video doesn’t mean it is right for your business. It is your company’s image you are promoting. Get it wrong and it may damage, not enhance, your business. Check out what a professional will do with a wealth of experience and kit. I’m not a fan of testimonials shot on a phone in glorious “wobblevision”. If you must do them, be mindful of eye lines. Eyes should be in the top third of the screen. (If in doubt, look at any TV news presenter). There are some amazing “Phone video’s” on the web, but usually they are shot by experienced pros, sometimes with ancillary equipment and lots of experience. Self made...
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Video production tips

Video communication is great for websites and SEO and here are some practical video production tips. I will formulate a top 10. However, in the meantime if anyone has any questions regarding video production, feel free to post here or contact me. Many people like to film themselves for their websites. Invariably what lets these videos down is the audio. On board mics on cameras and phones won’t cut it, so invest in a proper mic. A wired tie clip mic will give you clearer sound and reduce the 'boomy' effect that comes from the mic being non directional and too far away. If you intend to work with a professional company, get some ideas together about your business before you meet them. You know more than they ever will about your business. If it is a simple presentation to camera, don’t expect it will take five minutes. Allow plenty of time. Don’t just take the back of a flyer/brochure and think that it will...
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