Local PR tips and ideas

Why not pick up the phone and call your local papers?  You will be surprised that not many people do this now – it’s all email! Why not ask them to lunch (and treat them to it) or for a coffee and chat about what they would like in a news story or feature.  Building good relationships with local newspapers, magazines and radio stations pays off in many ways. For example,  several journalists that I knew locally are now in the national media. In addition, it is not unusual for the national press to pick up local stories. The first step is to have your local newspaper delivered, so that you never miss an issue. Make a note of which journalists write stories which are relevant to you, i.e. do they have a Business Editor? Start listening to your local radio station (search on the internet for them).  Study their websites.  Send them a brief, friendly, introductory email about yourself and your...
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How to create your own media list

I ran a PR consultancy for nine years. I helped many enterprises to emerge from the darkness of obscurity into the shining light of customer awareness, using the following techniques. I’m still surprised at how few enterprises use PR effectively (or indeed, at all). A little effort in this area can go a long way to creating brand awareness and an understanding of what you do and deliver. By the way, it is a myth that you have to spend money on advertising, in order to generate media coverage. Editors and journalists are continually looking for good stories. If you can present them with relevant, interesting and well presented ‘news value’, they will talk to you. Step 1. Create your media list You can’t do anything in media relations until you have started your media list. Begin by thinking about the media segments you wish to communicate with. For example: * Local press * National press * Radio programmes * TV programmes * News websites * Freelance journalists * Sector specific...
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Press release ideas

Is your business appearing regularly in the media? If not, we recommend that you start to send out press releases every month. Here are a few press release ideas & topics, to get you started: * Surveys (the media loves them!) * New product and new service announcements * Product / service upgrades * Unusual product applications / uses * Customer wins (either a big win, or a cluster of wins) * Trends and forecasts (crystal ball gazing is a media favourite) * Staff news (joiners, leavers, interesting things they have done) * Events, including seminars, exhibitions etc * Public speaking engagements * Awards and certifications * Anniversaries * Tie-in with current news event * Commenting on media coverage * Launch of white paper / positioning statement * Significant milestone (XXX customers etc) * Financial results * Marketing innovation, i.e. customer segment focused website * Launch of customer education programme * Restructuring a part of your business * Joint ventures, strategic partnership, alliances etc * Charity tie-in * Changes in pricing (especially reductions) * Launch of a customer group / user group By all...
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