Recipe for success in 2015
2015 is upon us, so you are probably thinking about what to do to make your business more successful in 2015. If you liken your business to a great meal, you will need to get all the right ingredients together and then mix together using an effective recipe.
For a well risen business, you’ll need:
Your own unique recipe ingredients in a small plan
Large spoon fulls of talented people
1 leader, zested
A small quantity of well ground new ideas
Small number of processes, well trimmed
Plain or self raising finance (as needed)
Well seasoned managers
Customers to taste
Business recipe method:
Prepare your plan, checking that sufficient unique ingredients are identified and available
Mix together spoonfulls of people and well ground ideas, adding a spoonful at a time until well mixed
Chop your processes until small. Select only those that are fresh and fold carefully into the people mixture.
Make sure your leader is well zested, and add to the mixture. Watch out for curdling – where the people and leader mixtures...