Meet Martin Myers – our Mr Marketing

Here's a little trick we use at to keep track of the where our Website Marketing customers are coming from. Firstly, let me explain why we use Martin. It's common these days, with the World Wide Web being the huge place that it is, to lose track of calls and emails coming in from your Website Marketing. When companies advertise in printed media or directories, it's easy to track where the call is coming from - quite often, the customer on the other end of the line will say 'I've seen your ad in Yellow Pages'. The trouble is with the internet, it's so big and has so many places to advertise your business, simply hearing a customer tell you they found you 'online' isn't enough. We've also found that, with the web of websites out there, most people don't really know the route they have taken to get to your website or your advert. Often we hear 'I'm not sure'...
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