Managing IT people is different

Managing IT people is different Managing IT means recognising that IT people are different! Management is the art of getting the best from your team, without getting in the way of allowing them to use their skills to produce the best results. This is especially true if you are managing IT people. Before I became a manager, I used to be a Techie. I trained in the esoterics of software development until I could dash off the most perfect software code imaginable. My applications were works of art and in great demand. If you wanted your mini computer to go faster, I was your man (well, woman). I could even take a computer apart, explain what all the different bits did, then put it all back together and run a software demonstration. On the same computer. In front of a live audience. It wasn't until I became a manager, and became responsible for managing IT people, that I realised what a strange and unique bunch of...
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