How to write an eBook
Who’s got a book they’d like to write, has an idea for a book or has even written some of it down? At every networking event I go to, I meet at least 2 or 3 people who have. So what’s stopping you? For some it’s uncertainty of what’s involved, for others it’s lack of time and for some it’s because they aren’t sure what to say. Here are some tips from my own experience of writing four books, with 2 more in the pipeline.
An eBook is easier than a paper book
no complicated layout needed, no page numbers etc.
royalties are much better (up to 70% with Amazon!)
Amazon in particular, will allow you to upload a plain old ordinary Word document
An eBook doesn’t have to be very long
My most successful book was only 16 pages!
The most successful ebooks are quite short
Start with Amazon Kindle
Amazon makes it easy
You can make a paper book later using their create space app
Amazon will show what your book looks...