The difference between website, blog, SEO and landing pages

What is the difference between website, blog, SEO and landing pages? > A website page is part of your website’s navigation bar structure, i.e. Home | About | Products / Services | Blog | Contact These pages are important for ‘strangers’ who are visiting your website for the first time. They want to find out about your company and what you do. >  Blogs can be contained in your website or externally, however, I recommend the former, partly because ‘Google loves a blogger’. Think of blogs as a journal about your company. Stories can include new services, tips and ideas, case studies, events, comment on relevant topics, expert opinion etc. > SEO pages are built for Google and the other search engines. These pages are created within your own website. They revolve around a single keyword phrase. If a potential customer searches for that phrase and clicks through from an SEO SERP* page to your website, they expert to find answers and information related to the keyword phrase. SEO pages are not usually added to your navigation bar (as it would become too cluttered). >...
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