How do I cancel my subscription via Paypal?

Go to the Paypal website and log in.

* Click on the My Account tab
* Click on the History subtab
* Click on the” Details” link of the subscription in question
* Under Transaction Details heading it will say “Subscription Payment Sent ID no…” and “In reference to : (Here will be a long code which is a link) *Click the Link
* When the link opens the page – scroll down
* Click Cancel Subscription
* Follow the prompts.

Once you have cancelled your Navigator subscription, your account will be downgraded to Compass membership by one of our team, this will result in some restrictions to your account. More info:

Please note that we will not downgrade your account until you have cancelled your subscription.

Note: Your Navigator account status will continue to run uninterrupted until the end of the period you have paid for. If you wish for your account to be deleted from The Marketing Compass altogether, please contact the site administrator

Why has my subscription been cancelled?

It may be that you have changed your credit card details and have forgotten to update them with Paypal.

Please see above for more information on changing your credit card details for your Navigator subscription with Paypal.