5 key ways to motivate your team

We live in hard times currently, with our teams of people struggling with no pay rises, limited bonuses (unless you’re a banker ) and longer hours – just to keep our businesses afloat. If you’re the manager of a team, you will know that a motivated team is a more productive team! Continuing the theme of motivating people without having to spend too much money, here are 5 key ways you as a Manager can motivate YOUR team: When individuals, or the team, do something well i.e. something beyond their normal responsibitlities, find a way to congratulate them. This doesn’t have to be in the form of extra cash – it could be a public thankyou, a letter of thanks, a day off or even a voucher for a dinner etc. It does have to be immediate however, so that, psychologically, they connect the reward with the postive behaviour you want to encourage. Get to know everyone in your team, and get to...
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