Website strategy – Mind Map image

Here is Mind Map showing the key strategic elements of a customer focused website. If you click on the image, a larger version will appear: 1. Customer: because you should be customer focused, not product centric IMHO*. Successful websites provide customer engagement. This is easy for me to say, challenging for you to do - which is why The Marketing Compass is here. (As we provide advice, encouragement and feedback to busy small business owners). 2. Design: because you don't get a second chance to make a first impression. Your website should look professional, particularly to the first time visitor, otherwise they are likely to 'disappear within a click'. Read website design ideas for small businesses. 3. Interactive: because interactivity = the USP of the internet. The more that the visitor can 'click on stuff' within your site, the better. 4. Content: because content is king. The more you write, the more you will attract Google. Read point two of the marketing commitments. As always,...
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