Fear of rejection – is it holding your business back?

Fear is a strong emotion, isn't it? Its purpose is to protect you from harm. Fear stimulates a 'flight or fight' response, which can be difficult to control. From a business perspective, fear can set invisible parameters to your success. In business, fear of rejection can stop you from asking for help, requesting a meeting, asking for the order or even chasing payment. I have asked thousands of seminar delegates how they feel about rejection. For some business owners, the fear of rejection is so strong that they have simply stopped asking. They rationalise this behaviour by saying that they "don't want to expand their business", or that they are "quite happy with things as they are." The challenge is that a business is either growing or slipping backwards. Here is a mantra for you. More customers = more cash = more choices (which may include taking a well earned holiday, supporting a family member or donating to charity). “Failure is only a temporary...
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