Marketing video tips – Part 1

I was asked to put some marketing video tips together for The Marketing Compass. Requirements could range from a first web presence to updating or creating a corporate video, so with that in mind, here are the first two areas for consideration. Just because you shoot a mean holiday video doesn’t mean it is right for your business. It is your company’s image you are promoting. Get it wrong and it may damage, not enhance, your business. Check out what a professional will do with a wealth of experience and kit. I’m not a fan of testimonials shot on a phone in glorious “wobblevision”. If you must do them, be mindful of eye lines. Eyes should be in the top third of the screen. (If in doubt, look at any TV news presenter). There are some amazing “Phone video’s” on the web, but usually they are shot by experienced pros, sometimes with ancillary equipment and lots of experience. Self made...
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