Love Breakfast?

There has been a recent upsurge in the interest about Breakfast for young people; the latest initiative is supported by the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson. Whilst these initiatives are very laudable it is nothing new; so called Breakfast clubs have been around for ages certainly I ran one in the seventies and my concern remains the same; all they are doing is masking the real problem! At School Dynamics we ran a survey under the heading of Love Breakfast and found that too many children, of all ages and many from good homes, were missing out on Breakfast and some did not eat until lunchtime; in short it was not cool to have breakfast. In the words of Del Boy, “Breakfast is for wimps!” This misconception is what we need to tackle. This is just another extension of the abdication of responsibility of parents; now don’t get me wrong I’m not talking of the small minority who really are in need and...
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Time management or management of time!

I have found that you get what you give in life – and this is true in business too! Here’s a recent example: the other day I was presenting to a group on Time Management. As with all groups, this was a mixed-ability class, not in the intellectual sense but in the amount of realism they brought to the session...let me explain! I was trying to get across that Time Management is in many ways a misnomer, because you have to be master of your own time if you want to improve.  As we looked at what caused the delegates the most problems, the usual suspects emerged including “other people” – that’s when it got interesting! You see it’s not other people who are the problem – it’s you! If you don’t deal with other people they will certainly deal with you! Remember, there are two types of people: radiators and drains. Radiators inspire and motivate you, but the drains are in...
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