How to go viral on YouTube

YouTube is currently the world's second favourite search engine, after Google itself. I am often asked how to go viral on YouTube. The primary answer is that you have to be creative. You have to do something different. Having taught creative thinking for 12 years at CIM (the Chartered Institute of Marketing), I can tell you this is a challenge for many of us. It's much safer to 'stay in the groove', do what we did last year and adopt so called 'industry best practice', which translates as "do what everyone else is doing". The secondary answer is to produce an emotional reaction in the viewer, for example, laughter. Professional marketers have known for a long time that an emotional appeal is more effective than a logical argument. Dave Clark from NRG Business Networks brought the following video to my attention. As Dave says, it is well worth watching. As you will see, it's creative and generates an emotional reaction. A dramatic surprise on...
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