Marketing systems and processes – the key to success

Do you cast your marketing messages into the void and wait for an echo? Are you constantly looking for new business and ignoring dormant customers? Do you have a written marketing plan, including a promotional mix schedule for the year ahead? Do you keep all of your contacts in one place? Do you have a system for following up every sales lead and opportunity? It's easy to go networking, attract a few followers on the social networks, send out the occasional newsletter and respond to random referrals. We can all keep busy throughout the day. Frenetic activity can become reassuringly addictive. It takes discipline to follow procedures and systems. To a large extent, this approach is dull and boring. But it works. Time and time again I meet brilliant people who are following their own star. They are multi-talented, original thinkers. They are also as poor as a church mouse. They don't like to be constrained by boring systems. They don't believe in sales or marketing processes. I also...
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