How to get more referrals

How to get more referrals

In this blog we'll discuss how to get more referrals... When I ask my seminar audiences whether they like referrals, the room becomes a forest of raised hands. I then ask the audience to describe the systems they use to create more referrals. Interestingly, few, if any, hands are raised. Here are some practical tips and ideas on how to get more referrals – based on the power of advocacy. A few of your customers, a larger percentage of your clients and some of your (non-client) friends will become advocates. These are the people who recommend you. They are worth their weight in gold. Some 5% of people are natural advocates (i.e. 1 in 20). They simply enjoy the act of recommendation. The challenge is that you may never know who all your advocates are – unless you start asking the following question (in response to a sales enquiry): “I wonder how you found us?” The rule is: always try to find out...
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