Creative thinking for marketers

Are you creative? Pause for a moment and reflect on your answer to this question. For some reason, many people's instant response is 'no, I am not creative.' I have asked thousands of business owners and seminar delegates this question. The answer is that we are all creative, as problem solving is part of human nature. Running a business and marketing are both creative thinking exercises. For example, have you ever asked yourself questions along these lines: "How do I attract more customers, without spending money?" "How do I improve my writing skills and what should I write about?" "How can I learn about internet marketing and where should I focus my time and energy, online?" Be open to new ideas Begin by being open to new ideas. It is all too easy to dismiss new ideas and approaches. You hear it when someone says: "Oh, I have tried that before and it didn't work." Or: "That wouldn't work in my business." So with a wave...
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Creating new ideas for your business

Creating new ideas for your business should be high on your list of priorities. In a fast changing world, money gravitates towards the innovators. New ideas can add value to your products / services, your brand and your business. Anyone can produce new ideas on demand, as long as they believe that they can. In the 21st century, we are all busy. This certainly applies to business owners. We work long hours, in order to get everything done. When you are working, your mind produces 'high energy' beta brainwaves. When you are relaxed, calmer alpha brainwaves are produced. It is easy to become a workaholic. You may find yourself feeling guilty, when you are not 'working' during office hours. There is so much to do! Replying to / sending emails, handling phone calls and attending meetings are seen as work. Going for a walk or sitting there and not doing anything isn't. Interestingly, our most creative ideas arrive when we are not working....
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