How to get more clients

How to get more clients is a question that we are often asked. Here is a seven step process: 1. Who are your ideal clients? You should be able to answer this question instantly. Within your marketing plan, write descriptions of your chosen market segments (groups of people with shared needs). It's all too easy to try to sell to everyone you come into contact with. Smart businesses decide who they wish to serve and they channel their time, money and resources into communicating with target market segments. 2. Use a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system in order to keep track of dormant, current and prospective clients. The busier you get, the more complex this process becomes. 3. Use a customer education approach as this will bring people to you. Provide useful, helpful, interesting and up-to-date information and package it in helpful ways. 4. Increase your promotional mix. Most businesses don't use enough promotional techniques. The Marketing Compass has researched several hundred promotional options...
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Customer timeline

Customer timeline

Marketing is a journey. To begin with, members of your target market haven't heard of you. Your job is to create awareness amongst this group of people. The answer is to create a customer timeline. You receive sales enquiries. Some people don't buy. Those that do become customers (transaction based). Some of your customers buy regularly from you. A business relationship develops and these people become clients. Some of your customers and clients (and some of their friends) become advocates. Cherish your advocates, as they are selling for you, without thought of reward. Some of your customers and clients 'fall asleep' (metaphorically speaking) and stop buying from you. Your job is to wake them up. Ask for referrals from people who have bought from you. Use the promotional mix to attract new customers to your business.   1. Awareness. 2. Enquiries. 3. Customers. 4. Clients. 5. Advocates.     Source: The Marketing Compass Manual If you have any questions about the customer timeline, just ask! Join us COMPASS membership is FREE! * Create a profile & promote...
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