How to get more response and sales leads using the AIDCA copywriting model

Here is a marketing tip, which you can use online and in published materials. The AIDCA copywriting model is an effective way of generating more response. I have used this technique for 25 years and I have generated response rates of up to 38%. AIDCA represents the process that the buyer goes through, on their journey from being aware of a marketing proposition, until they make a buying decision. 1. Headline or opening line: Attention 2. Product description: Interest 3. The offer / proposition: Desire 4. Guarantee / reassurance: Conviction 5. Call to action: Action Did you know that in advertising, nearly six times as many people read the headline as the body copy of an advertisement? An effective headline should telegraph your message into the reader' mind. It will entice them to read the rest of your copy. In his book 'Confessions of an Advertising Man', advertising guru David Ogilvy said: "The headline is the most important is the telegram which decides whether...
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10 rules of copywriting

10 rules of copywriting

Here is a definition for you: 'Copy' = the words that marketing people write. Copy is used in advertisements, websites, newsletters, leaflets and direct mailshots (as well as many other places). 1. For each copywriting exercise, decide what your objectives are. 2. Think about the market segments you are addressing and their needs. Do you have a deep understanding of their situation and what they want? 3. Write in the language of benefits. Focus on what your service / product delivers - not just what it does ('features'). 4. Use a structured approach to your writing, such as AIDCA. 5. Use short words, short sentences and short paragraphs. Writing short sentences is the quickest way to improve your copywriting. 6. Learn how to use the English language fluently. (Or, to put it another way, you must grapple with the finer points of punctuation and grammar. If this doesn't appeal to you - find someone who can edit your copy). 7. Write the copy first and then write the headline. The headline is critical. After all, if the reader doesn't connect with the headline, they won't...
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