Glossary of SEO terms

Here is a glossary of SEO terms and jargon which includes marketing tips and advice. See also our Glossary of marketing terms and Glossary of copywriting terms. Created and researched by SEO consultant and trainer Nigel Temple. SEO is a complex subject and there is a considerable amount of terminology. This SEO glossary may help. 301 redirect: This is a permanent server redirect, i.e. a web page URL change of address. Typically used when relaunching a website, so that you can redirect visitors and search engines to the new pages. 404 or Not Found error message: The web page document could not be found, due to a broken link. (The server could be reached but it could not find the information requested). If your website visitors and the SEs encounter 404 messages they will not be impressed. Above the fold. The section of a web page that you can see without scrolling. Absolute link: A hyperlink that displays the full URL of the web page that is being linked...
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Glossary of copywriting terms

Here is a glossary of copywriting terms, which includes writing tips and ideas. See also our Glossary of marketing terms and Glossary of SEO terms. Researched and written by marketing consultant, trainer and author Nigel Temple. A/B split testing: Writing two versions of an advertisement, headline, web page etc in order to ascertain which is the most effective. In my experience, discovering a better headline makes all the difference to response rates. Above the fold: The top part of a web page that is visible without scrolling down. Advertisement: Classic print ads contain a headline, body copy and a call to action. Advertorial: Paid for advertising space which looks (at first glance), like editorial i.e. written by a journalist. Advertorials should be marked clearly with the word ‘Advertisement’. AIDCA: (Sometimes known as AIDA). A marketing system commonly used in direct response copywriting: A = Attention (the headline). I = Interest (the product / service). D = Desire (an offer). C = Conviction...
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Glossary of marketing terms

Here is a glossary of marketing terms, which includes marketing tips. See also our Glossary of copywriting terms and Glossary of SEO terms as well as Pricing strategy. Researched and written by marketing consultant, trainer and author Nigel Temple. A/B split testing: Research regarding two versions of a product, service, advertisement, headline, web page etc whereby a consumer, buyer or website visitor is shown one version and their subsequent behaviour is tracked and measured. ABC1: A way of classifying consumers, created in the 1960s. Occupation is the key factor in determining social grade, which means IMHO that this system is outdated and of limited use within a 21st society. ABC1 = the middle classes.  See: Abandonment rate (e-commerce): The ratio of abandoned shopping carts to the number of completed (or initiated) transactions. Typically about 70%. Above the fold: The top part of a web page that is visible without scrolling down. Above the line: Advertising and other forms of mass media promotion. Account: A client...
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