Press release distribution

Press release distribution services include: eNewsWire - Free press release distribution, UK focus. IssueWire - Post your first press release for free. openPR - Free press release distribution service (limited to one per month). PR Fire - Includes a free option including no-follow links. PR Newswire -  Their website says: 'The industry’s largest and most trusted distribution network of media outlets, websites and social media channels.' Owned by Cision. Realwire - According to their website: 'Global press release distribution service specialising in the online media.' Responsesource - Offers a send and receive services for press releases. According to their website, they offer a 'fast, effective way to communicate your news and social feeds to journalists, influencers, and stakeholders.' Vuelio - Their website says: 'Based on your audience, you can send releases, publish directly to your dedicated online newsroom, post to social media or distribute over the wire. Use our tools to track, analyse and learn with engagement and coverage analysis tools.' If any of the above links do not...
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Press release ideas

Here is a press release ideas checklist: Company news Company launch (new startup) Anniversary i.e. 10 years in business Expansion i.e. new markets, new branches etc Office or factory relocation Milestones i.e. 10,000 products sold Financial news, i.e. turnover increase or new funding Acquisition or joint venture Major restructuring Corporate Social Responsibility Staff news New members of staff Staff news i.e. charity related, voluntary work, awards or new qualifications New manager / director / senior partner Training news, i.e new training programme Staff member is retiring after long service Inspirational story regarding a member of staff Working from home statement Awards Company, product or service awards Member of staff wins an award Product / service news Launch of new product or service Enhanced product or service Product or service being used in a new way Free trial being offered Free or reduced shipping Pricing going down or going up Discounts or special pricing news Unusual pricing, i.e. £1000 hamburger Marketing news New website: why you...
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Press release template

Each press release should focus on a single story. The writing style should be factual. Avoid superlatives and 'sales talk'. Here is a press release template: [RELEASE DATE] Press release: [TITLE] (Press release titles should be factual and focus on news value) Opening paragraph. (This is the most important paragraph. It is likely that some publications will only use this paragraph, so it needs to stand alone and tell the story). Second paragraph. (One key element only). Third, fourth paragraphs. (One key element each). Comment. (For example: John Smith, CEO and Founder of XYZ Company commented: "We are delighted to announce this new service....") Editors notes (emboldened subhead) Brief, factual description of your enterprise. Website address Spokesperson's contact name | email address | phone numbers...
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