CRM – Customer Relationship Management software

CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management.  It encompasses the entire customer journey including all of the interactions with the customer. These include brand awareness, enquiries, first purchase, ongoing purchases, handling any problems that may arise, contact management, customer loyalty and advocacy. There are many CRM software platforms that can help with these processes. The best CRM software solution is the one that you actually use. CRM benefits What are the benefits of having a CRM system? After all, what is wrong with having all of your contacts in Outlook, Excel etc? Here are the benefits of having your own CRM software: 1. It keeps all of your customers and contacts in one place. This means that you can find customers and their contact information. You can divide your contacts in ways that makes sense to your enterprise . You can then communicate with people with shared needs. 2. Your own CRM is the best phone directory you will ever have (on the assumption that you enjoy talking to...
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