Getting the audience to ask questions

By Navigator member Walter Blackburn, Managing Director and Founder, PeopleTrack At the end of a presentation or teleseminar, what do you do when you ask "Any questions?", and no-one answers? Try saying this: “I’m sure that many of you have questions you’d like to ask – so who’s first?” or even more simply: “Who has the first question?” If no one answers, then I suggest that you ask yourself a question to get things going: “One of the questions that I’m often asked is..........” and then you answer it and follow that with “so who has the next question?”. In other words you’re demanding questions, not simply asking for them. You could prompt them as you give your presentation to think of and write down the questions that theywould like to have the answers to, so that they have something to work with at the end. And if, before you start the presentation, you’re not at all confident that anyone will ask a question prime a friendly audience member to ask a first question. Walter Blackburn Managing Director and Founder PeopleTrack Limited Tel:...
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Effective online and offline networking

Effective online and offline networking

By Navigator member Dave Clarke, Managing Director, NRG-Networks You could be forgiven for thinking there was a battle being fought between offline & online networks with some of the messages from organisations in both camps. The reality is that the online networks give us a really effective tool for supporting our offline business networking activities. They only do that, however, if we go about both activities strategically. "I have been an active member of online networks since I discovered them in 2003. Here are my top 10 tips for building business with the effective use of offline & online networks" 1. Get comfortable with how networking works "All things being equal, people will do business with, and refer business to those people they know, like and trust." (Bob Burg). Business Networking is about finding other business people who operate in similar markets to you. Then helping them and building relationships to earn that trust so don’t expect instant results. Like anything worthwhile, networking takes time and application....
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Choosing and commisioning a professional photographer

Choosing and commisioning a professional photographer

By Navigator member Raymondo Marcus Choosing and commissioning professional photography is a business investment decision.  Based on my experience may I offer ‘Top 5’ tips for both stages to help you get the best from your investment? All decent photographers will have a portfolio of thousands of images that they can show you.  This is an interesting and necessary qualification of a quality approach and standard.  Can they match your requirement?  Probably, but the ball is really in your court. Tip No 1: Have a clear idea of why you are having the photographs taken.  The easiest way to do this is to complete this statement …. [Example text is in square brackets] ‘I need these photographs because … [e.g. I wish to show myself as an authoritative figure in one of my consultancy lecture sessions]. Tip No 2: Have a clear idea of the use you want to make of the images.  How many do you need?  Are they for advertising, editorial, web site, brochures etc? ...
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Five easy steps to getting your cash flowing faster

By Navigator member Kathryn Crockford, Director, Axis Accounting This guide outlines five simple procedures that, if followed correctly, have proved to be successful in speeding up the payment of outstanding customer debt.  The ideas can also help to improve your bank balance. 1. Managing your sales invoicing Regardless of whether you sell goods or services, the way you prepare your sales invoices will dictate how quickly you get paid. Presentation is the key. Sales Invoices need to be: *   Addressed clearly, ideally to an individual who is authorising payment *   Clear as to who has sent the invoice and where and how payment is to be made *   Clear on what is being charged for *   Clear about the length of time you allow for payment *   Accurate, not just with the figures but with spellings also If your customer has specified a Purchase Order (PO) number or job reference, use it (leave it out and your invoice may not get paid). Use simple understandable language where possible. Avoid...
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Do you have a concise marketing plan?

Do you have a concise marketing plan?

There are literally thousands of marketing actions which you could take today. For example, you could Tweet, telephone a prospective customer, write a blog, plan an event, write a press release, book to attend a networking event or write an article. There are countless people who you could engage with. For example, prospective customers, dormant customers or advocates. With all of these marketing options available to you, are you happy that you are following the right path - or do you sometimes feel that you are doing a great deal and not getting the expected results? The answer is to produce a concise marketing plan.  This will help you to be better organised, decide on your marketing objectives and set specific goals.  By referring back to your plan, you will have more control and get better results from the time and money you spend on marketing.  It will also help you to measure your marketing success. Some questions for you to consider Are you...
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10 rules of copywriting

10 rules of copywriting

Here is a definition for you: 'Copy' = the words that marketing people write. Copy is used in advertisements, websites, newsletters, leaflets and direct mailshots (as well as many other places). 1. For each copywriting exercise, decide what your objectives are. 2. Think about the market segments you are addressing and their needs. Do you have a deep understanding of their situation and what they want? 3. Write in the language of benefits. Focus on what your service / product delivers - not just what it does ('features'). 4. Use a structured approach to your writing, such as AIDCA. 5. Use short words, short sentences and short paragraphs. Writing short sentences is the quickest way to improve your copywriting. 6. Learn how to use the English language fluently. (Or, to put it another way, you must grapple with the finer points of punctuation and grammar. If this doesn't appeal to you - find someone who can edit your copy). 7. Write the copy first and then write the headline. The headline is critical. After all, if the reader doesn't connect with the headline, they won't...
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10 rules of internet marketing

Rule 1 - Decide what your objectives are. Keep focused on them Rule 2 - Ask your prospects and customers what they would like to see within your website or your permission based e-newsletter Rule 3 - Test Test Test. This is the way to discover what people really think Rule 4 - As a mass communication medium, the internet is unique because it is interactive. How interactive is your internet marketing? Rule 5 - Create e-relationships (with customers and business partners). How can you help each other to prosper? Rule 6 - Choose your promotional techniques - to promote your website / e-newsletter Rule 7 - Integrate your internet marketing with your promotional mix Rule 8 - Keep everything simple. Don't use technology for the sake of it Rule 9 - Content is everything. Have useful, helpful content Rule 10 - Don't expect instant success. Persistence is what counts ...
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Are you LinkedIn yet?

Are you LinkedIn yet?

LinkedIn is a great way of connecting with dormant customers, past colleagues, old friends, influencers and potential clients. It should automatically appear in your web browser, when you wake your computer up in the morning. (You can achieve this, by using 'tabbed browsing'). When you make an interesting new contact in, say, Facebook, check to see if they belong to LinkedIn. Joining groups is a great way of building your network. An example of a large LinkedIn group is LION ( LI Open Networkers), run by John L. Evans, which has over 19,000+ members. Once you've joined a group, you will be able to connect with any of its members, without knowing their email addresses. This will help you to find useful contacts. Testimonials and recommendations: the best way to get these is to give them! From a marketing perspective - this is part of 'social proof' (i.e. other people saying how good you are).  This is much more believeable that you saying...
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Twitter Tips

How to attract more clients, via Twitter By following these 10 steps, you will build a Following on Twitter and attract more visitors to your website. This is all part of 21st century client attraction. 1.   Who do you want to connect with? What are they interested in? What are they searching for? 2.   Find your Voice. If you are using Twitter as part of your client attraction strategy, think about your 'Twitter Positioning'. In other words, what do you stand for and how do you want to be seen by other Tweeters? This will lead to your Twitter voice'.  For example: informative, helpful, relaxed and humourous. 3.   Be a Giver. People will follow you if you have something to give them. For example, helpful, useful and interesting tips and ideas. 4.   People first, business second. Twitter is first and foremost a social network, so be sociable! 5.   Reveal something about yourself. You are a unique and interesting human being. We want to know more about you, as a person. 6.   Be Helpful. Recommend other...
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An introduction to Twitter

An introduction to Twitter

If you haven't already done so, register your name and your company name within Twitter. What is Twitter? It is a 'micro blogging' website. The idea is to answer the question 'What are you doing' in 140 characters or less. Messages can be sent via mobile texting, instant message or the web. Notice that the messages are not delivered by email. They appear online / on your phone etc. Once you have registered, people can choose to 'Follow' you, which simply means that they will receive your messages. How does this help my marketing, then? * It is another way of 'getting the word out' about your enterprise. * Followers can get to know you and what you do. * You can alert your Followers about new articles, blog postings, events etc. * As networkers know, relationships lead to paying customers. Your Twitter profile allows you to put a line or two of information about yourself. For example, 'Small business marketing specialist'. You can let people know whereabouts in the world you...
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