“Can do” attitude amongst our blind veterans!

In August, my friend Barry and I spent a week at Blind Veterans UK (BVUK) in Llandudno, teaching visually impaired veterans how to tie decorative knots. Yet again, just like last year, the guys and gals there demonstrated how determined and resourceful they were and the members kept us on our toes by picking things up so quickly! Dragonflies, solomon bars and key fobs were just a few projects we covered. After a couple of days, some of our visually impaired “students” were even teaching others – now there’s an achievement worthy of note! We found it quite ironic being thanked by everyone for helping out. Little did they realise just how much Barry and I gained from the experience. We were treated like royalty, and I for one came away with a very positive attitude and renewed enthusiasm. Some members (not “patients”, not “clients” – members) not only suffer sight loss, but many also have to live with other disabilities, making their...
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