Which direction should your marketing take?
Which direction should your marketing take?

There are literally thousands of marketing actions which you could take today. For example, you could Tweet, telephone a prospective customer, write a blog, plan an event, write a press release, book to attend a networking event or write an article.

There are countless people who you could engage with. For example, prospective customers, dormant customers or advocates.

With all of these marketing options available to you, are you happy that you are following the right path – or do you sometimes feel that you are doing a great deal and not getting the expected results?

The answer is to produce a concise marketing plan.  This will help you to be better organised, decide on your marketing objectives and set specific goals.  By referring back to your plan, you will have more control and get better results from the time and money you spend on marketing.  It will also help you to measure your marketing success.

Some questions for you to consider
Are you following a process, in order to attract people from your target markets? Are you using consistent messages? Will your activities help to populate your marketing database? Are you building your brand?

These questions can be answered by referring to your marketing plan. A good plan should be a concise plan. You should know what your objectives are and how you intend to achieve them.

The planning process will help you to choose the right market segments; it will enable you to clarify why your business ‘stands out from the crowd’; and it will help to ensure that your marketing is integrated.

Other strategic issues covered in a marketing plan include the 4Ps: Product, Price, Place and Promotion. With regards to your promotional mix, you should probably increase the number of ways in which you promote your business.  There are several hundred options available to you.  The more you use: the greater your chances of success.

Once you have written your plan, look at it regularly.  Schedule a marketing meeting at least once a quarter with someone who can give you feedback on your progess.

We wish you all the best with your marketing!

PS  If you become a Navigator member of The Marketing Compass, one of the benefits is your own online marketing plan.


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